We are here to provide guidance

Career Readiness

On this page you will find links to information on Career Advising, Work Based Learning, Work Permits, College Visits, Job Shadowing, and all the necessary forms.


Career Advising

Information on Career Advising as prescribed by Ohio Department of Education in ORC 3365.02.

FDA Career Advising Plan

Work Based Learning

Do you have a job? If so, did you know that Findlay Digital Academy has a Work Based Learning Program? The Work Based Learning Program allows students to obtain offline hours, earn an income and receive up to three elective credits each year towards graduation.

Work-Based Learning Instructions

Fill out the WBL Training Agreement 23-24.docx to be in Work Based Learning

Work-Based Learning Time Sheet 23-24

Job Shadowing

All students at FDA are issued a total of up to three days (18 hours) of job shadowing opportunities.

These days need to be pre-approved by an administrator or counselor.

Job Shadowing Guidelines/Application

Work Permit

Need a work permit? In order to have a job, every minor 14-17 years of age must have a working permit unless otherwise stated in Chapter 4109.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Pick up the pre-application form from the front desk at FDA or download a copy here to print. Take this to the potential employer and have them fill out the “Pledge of Employer” section.
  2. Students also need a physical performed by a doctor. The Physician’s Certificate is on the second page (or back) of the application. Have the doctor fill out after the exam. All Urgent Care locations in Findlay take walk-in physical appointments.
  3. When you have BOTH FORMS completed, bring to FDA to process the work permit.

College Visits

  • All students at Findlay Digital Academy are issued a total of up to 3 days (18 hours) for college visits.
  • These days need to be pre-approved by an administrator or counselor.
  • Students need to self-report to VLA about three things they learned on their college visit.